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Starting a business is already very stressful. And the fact that you probably have to try and do it all on your own, doesn't make it any easier. But you don't have to figure it all out on your own. I am here to guide you through it all!

Do you even need a brand mentor?

Obviously, my answer is yes, but I may be a little biased... 


Listen, I just don't want you to waste your money on overpriced marketing agencies charging you inflated prices for things you don't even need.


You're probably going to have to DIY most of things - for now anyway. And my mentoring service is aimed to help you figure out exactly WHAT to DIY and make sure you cover all of your bases.

Brand Mentoring will help you:

Create a brand that reflects your business' personality while speaking to your audience.

Understand your target audience better and how to appeal to them.

Know exactly what your business needs to get the right eyes on it.

Figure out the steps to take to money as soon as possible, and keep doing so in a sustainable way.

What to expect

Sessions are via Zoom call, but if you live in or around the Cape-Town CBD and suburbs, we can arrange for an in-person chat instead - just indicate it in the booking process.

How sessions are structured:


1. Check-in - how are you feeling about your business and what are your current pressing issues?


2. Questions - I ask probing questions to help me gauge where I can help and to help you figure out exactly what you need.


3. Suggestions - I make suggestions about what specific services/products you need next. These are based on the answers to the questions in the previous step.


4. Action steps - I give you actionable steps on how to implement the suggestions I gave you and how to go about getting the services or products you need right now. 


5. Wrap-up - I address any other questions you might have regarding the session contents, and we determine whether you might need another session or not.

  • One 30-minute brand mentoring session.

    30 min


Although a single session would be invaluable to your business, I understand that one 30-minute session might not be enough to cover everything we can talk through to guide your business branding journey.



So, I offer three packages:


1 Single Session - R250


3 Session Pack - R650


5 Session Pack - R1000



Simply start by booking your first session and select which package you would like to purchase at checkout. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy!

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